Union Market District Radio
Creating an inclusive media and production studio in the heart of Union Market District.
The Challenge.
How do you create an inclusive space that amplifies community voices and empowers creators? This question is essential because media production spaces often lack diversity and representation, and creators from marginalized communities may face barriers to accessing high-quality equipment, technology, and training. The goal of the new studio was to provide a space for creators to produce high-quality content and to build a community that reflects the city's diversity. The target audience for the studio includes independent creators, community organizations, and businesses that want to tell their stories through podcasts and other digital media.
Creating A Brand From Scratch
The first phase involved developing a strategic plan for the new studio. This included defining the studio's mission, goals, and target audience, as well as outlining the services and equipment that would be offered. The physical buildout of the studio involved assess for its accessibility features, layout, and equipment selection.The team focused on creating an accessible and welcoming space that could accommodate a wide range of creators and community members. We developed a synced brand identity, created custom illustrations and designs that reflected the studio's values and mission.
Strategy & Design
Interviewing Community Voices
During our initial production launch, we used a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative and quantitative data sources. Qualitative data collected through interviews with staff, creators, and community partners to understand their perceptions of the studio's inclusivity and empowerment. Quantitative data collected through surveys and analytics to evaluate the studio's impact on creators' skills, confidence, and engagement.
It's Show Time
The launch of Media Lab production studio was a resounding success. In the first six months of operation, the website saw a 200% increase in traffic, and subscriber numbers grew by 300%. We also received positive feedback from our listeners, and linked multiple annual production contracts with local non-profit organizations.
Launch & Distribution
When it came time to hit upload - we used various distribution channels to disseminate the initial podcast content, including popular platforms such as Google Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Sitcher and Simplecast. We also made the content available on a dedicated website, where users could subscribe to the Youtube channel, newsletter and receive updates on new content.